Thursday, March 12, 2009

Surprise, surprise

I usually hate suprises. HATE THEM. I can't stand them. I was the kid who would go through mom and dad's closet before Christmas to find all the gifts before they were wrapped, or even worse, carefully peel back the wrapping if they were already under the tree. Even as an adult, I would find gifts hiding in closets or drawers. I considered myself a very good sleuth.

But my husband recently surprised me with a trip to an island - all I knew, for two weeks, was my Passport was required and I would need to pack my bikini. I had no input into where we were going, what we were doing, where we were staying, and I was actually kind of enjoying it! There were 20 different ways I could have found where we were going, but I didn't. I held my tongue, or rather my snoopy fingers, to not find out. My colleagues, however, were doing their own sleuthing and even got the exact location from my husband. (They were having a little too much fun taunting me!)

We ended up in Jamaica, and it was beautiful! (My guess were the Bahamas.) I hadn't been in more than 15 years. I'll post photos from the trip later on; they're on my other laptop.

Did we get any training in? Yes, many bicep curls and good calf work walking through the sand. We did get in some laps in the ocean; it was so clear and crystal blue and smooth, and the hotel had roped in their swimming area, so we bought junior-sized goggles from the beach gift shop. They were tight, but they did their job. I guess we swam about 20 minutes until we were ready to take our afternoon nap. :)

On the way back, in the Jamaica airport in Montego Bay, I went through the gift shop and bought Islands magazine to pick out our next spot. I'm thinking Kauai or Costa Rica!

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