Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Where has summer gone?!

It's already August and I just noticed I didn't post once in July - it came and went too fast I feel like I didn't even have a chance!

Lots has happened since I last posted late June:

We're having a girl! We surprised my family with a cake. Bryon and I found out at a dinner by ourselves - we had the doctor circle whether it was a girl or boy, stick it and seal it in an envelope and we handed one to a baker that day and another to our waiter that night. The waiter was to bring ou t a cheesecake if a girl and tiramisu if a boy - I'm sure you get the idea of what transpired. :) It was a great way to find out together! Plus, I was always in the mood for cake, so didn't go wrong there!

I'm still getting out and about, though rather slowly, and my runs are now more majority walk, run pick-up here and there. This is taken at 21 weeks after a run/walk (around July 14th).

We're starting to make advances in the baby's room. We've got the crib, we've got our everyday stroller (we went with the UPPABaby - but still waiting on our BOB :)), and showers are being planned. We're also making some headway on our to-do list around the house to make sure everything's wrapped up before Baby R comes. Unfortunately, my time to comfortably help on those projects is quickly vanishing, so nothing like using that as ammo to get hubby to move a little quicker.

I'm now edging closer to the third trimester and it doesn't seem like it could be coming soon enough, now that everyone I know who was pregnant is starting to have their babies! However, I need to keep remembering to enjoy these remaining few months, make sure everything's in order and to RELAX! It's hard, but I'm trying.

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