Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My body is a-changin'

I'm only 18 weeks along but I'm already way out of my element.

I bought my first pair of maternity pants. Augh!

Yes, yes, I know - this is a good moment. Or, supposedly a great moment, but I don't really see the excitement. Woohoo, I get to buy a pair of pants and shorts with a huge elastic band?? Whoop-de-doo.

On another note - something that is MUCH more exciting - I, for sure (or hope this is what it was), felt the baby kick. The baby must have realized I was starting to get the afternoon slump at my desk and needed a bit of a wake-up. It was three short, little nudges. The same happened last night, in a different spot. Tried to have Bryon get a feel, but the baby was just not letting him have it. I'll be sure to punch him in the arm every time the baby kicks me. :)

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