Friday, June 26, 2009

Stretchy pants, heartburn and lack of air

18 weeks, 3 days. I feel that I'm huge!

Sound lovely, right? Well, it's all hitting me this week - my first purchase of stretchy waistbanded pants, my first attack of all-day heartburn (and first take of Tums) and more and more breathlessness. Is it just too much to ask to have a little break from abnormal body issues and actually feel 'good'??

I guess not.

Our dog Duke checking out the scenery.

However, it is amazing how fast the tummy is growing outward now. I feel more and more comfortable in public thinking people HAVE to know I'm actually pregnant, and not just feasted on an all-you-can-eat buffet. My favorite thing about this belly, besides of course that it's my CHILD, is I can eat all I want and not worry about looking bloated, because you know - I am permanently for the next five months! I do miss my flat stomach and almost forget what it looked like. *Sigh* One day, I hope it will be the same!

I wish there were a lot more moms-to-be out there blogging right now and sharing some insights into their training. I've been on a cycle of Sat-Mon workouts because the rest of the week I'm too exhausted before or after work to do a workout! However, I am getting 3-4 workouts in during those 3 days and feel great afterward. I think that can be enough to ward off extra poundage?? (I haven't been to the doctor since the end of May and lost track of what my last weigh-in was. At that weigh-in, I had only gained 4 pounds after I had lost 5 in the first trimester. I weighed myself at the gym last week and, if I remember my last weight correctly, I've gained 4 more pounds.) I think I'm on track, but we'll find out in 1.5 weeks.

I did have to buy a longer workout top to cover the belly. Didn't feel comfortable running around the neighborhood or gym with a 'gut' hanging out, but now that it's getting larger, firmer and more 'preggers-looking', I've been wondering if I'm brave enough to go just a bra top on my runs! Eek! Would be pretty interesting, and much helpful with the temps at 6 a.m. already in the 80s. I'll have to think more on that though...

A client who is a cyclist and we talk frequently about the Tour and Lance, asked if I was doing any races this summer. We haven't officially told any of my clients yet since I don't see them often (only by phone), I wasn't ready to say 'no, I can't because I'm pregnant' but instead said I got into NYC marathon and am just volunteering a lot this season. I hope he didn't look up my profile on Facebook! :) Eventually they will all be told.

1 comment:

ShirleyPerly said...

Wow, congrats on your big news! I don't know any bloggers who are pregnant right now but I remember seeing a popular preggos forum on a while ago. Maybe there's something similar on a tri website?