Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Long delay with big news

I've been MIA, I'll admit it. Every time I came to do a post, there was only one thing I wanted to talk about. And that one thing I absolutely couldn't talk about until very important people in my 'real' life knew. Of course, that happened at the end of May, which means I could have posted this a month ago. But that's beside the point. :)

What is this that I'm talking about?

I'm pregnant! The above photo shows just two of the FIVE tests I took over the first three days we found out. I just really had to make sure - I couldn't believe it! (Plus, we bought two different packages and since they come with two tests each we may as well use them all up since there's no use in keeping them for the next time...hopefully not for quite awhile after this first one!)

We found out back in March. Based on timing, bambino is pretty much our 1-year anniversary baby! The story on how we found out is actually funny: I woke up on a Thursday morning to go to the bathroom and decided to go ahead and take a test since I was still 'waiting' just to calm my head. Took the test, sat it on the bedside table, dozed off a little more and woke up to check it not expecting anything (I had a few negative tests before and was trying not to get hopes up). Took a look and could hardly believe I was reading 'Pregnant.' I woke up Bryon, scaring him a little, and told him to read the stick because I just wasn't believing it. He looked, I looked, we looked at each other, and after our eyes welled up we thought out loud "What the heck did we just get ourselves into???"

Ever since, it's been so hard to keep quiet especially when everwhere we turned, someone else we knew was announcing they were pregnant. For example, the day after we found out we went to our Friday morning group run and one of the girls turned to me and said she was pregnant. I know I paused with a dumbfounded look on my face because the first thought that jumped in my head was "I am too!" Luckily I bit my tongue and said congratulations instead. But, I ran with her as she was going slower and I was already feeling morning sickness, and of course I had to make an excuse as to why I was sticking behind. There are at least 12 women I know either at work (5!) or in everyday life who are expecting. It's a Baby Boomer's children's baby boom!

Since then, both of our families know, my office knows and all our friends know. And in this day in age, when telling more and more people, we had to constantly say "Don't put it on Facebook until you see something from us!"

We've had two ultrasounds - one at 5.5 weeks to confirm the little peanut was there and one at 12 weeks (above). It's amazing to see the difference in such a short time! Our next ultrasound is the first week of July, where we'll found out the gender, though during our 12 wk screening the doc guessed it was a girl by one image is was able to capture. He says he's right 4 out of 5 patients, so we'll see if he is.

Two preggers out for a ride before we both get too big.
I'm 18 weeks along, and they say Baby R is the size of a bell pepper or sweet potato. I'm definitely showing but don't have any belly pictures as of yet. I've been running/walking, swimming and weightlifting sporadically but slowly getting back to a rhythm of working out now that I actually feel 'normal.' (Though I don't know how you can feel normal with a protruding belly that I've never had before.) Now that I've posted this initial post I'll be keeping up with how my workouts are going. I can tell you now as an endurance athlete I am out of my element!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Wow! Congratulations!