Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Where, oh where did my flat abs go?
Now that I am 8 weeks in and have started exercising more frequently, I need to start focusing on my abs. I've searched for some exercises that will help and which ab muscles should be targeted. This is important, as I've read that by only doing regular crunches you are not working the right ab muscles to pull the pooch in and will only keep you from gaining a flat stomach again.
That's where I found that the transverse abdominal muscles are the key to getting the flat abs back. I've started doing specific exercises to target these muscles this week. While training my abs to go back to their original position and picking up my walks and swims, I'm hoping for a miracle sooner rather than later. :)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Let the games begin
Actually, I guess it ended two days from being home from the hospital after delivery and we took Emmy for a walk. It was exhausting and painful, but was so nice to get out. After a few more walks and a few more weeks of recovery, I moved up to the gym. I may not be like many endurance athlete moms out there, but I decided to make it an easy recovery and not do any strenuous activity until after six weeks. I wanted to avoid any possible injuries or long-term effects of working out too soon. This meant no running (and still, to this day - 8 weeks later - I haven't run).
During my sixth week post-delivery, and after my doctor check-up, I decided to take the plunge - in the pool, of course. Wow - did that feel weird. I'm so glad I kept up swimming during my pregnancy; I think it made it a lot easier to get back into it, not to mention help my delivery and recovery. Like I mentioned before, I believe working out during pregnancy is so important (but please make sure you've cleared it with your doctor beforehand AND make sure not to push yourself too hard).
It started with 30 minutes in the pool. I've now swum four more times in the last two weeks and I'm almost to my old swimming self - almost. The second swim I must have been swimming in mud, but the third and fourth were better. I started doing intervals, and doing drills every swim to work on the ol' form. The only thing I wish would snap back is my swimsuit body, but I'm being told that'll come in time (ugh).
Mixed in with the swims are walks outside, on the treadmill or time spent on the elliptical, and some weights. My legs are already more toned, I can see my arms coming back to form and my sides tighten up. But I can tell this is going to take a few more months. Too bad I don't have as much patience for this as I do with Emmy!
Friday, January 8, 2010
You mean *I* have patience?? Who knew?
Flash forward to today, and my, have the tables turned. Everyone in my family knows I have little patience. And I'm sure many of those who know me would agree. I dislike surprises, I have bouts of road rage and if I have to wait on others I could possibly blow a gasket one day. But from the day I had my baby, it's as if I'm a totally different person with her. Could I possibly be a mother? Hmm.
Now, don't get me wrong, now that I've gotten out and about since the birth I've noticed I still don't have patience for strangers. And sometimes for my husband either. But for little Emmy, she could be wailing and I can hold her and try to make it go away. My husband, on the other hand, is now the complete opposite. And I am the one who is trying to teach him patience!
For instance, Emmy's crying and we do what we can to settle her down. Usually this is around (or to be more exact, past) bed time and we've calmed her down, she's sleep and we put her in her crib. Five minutes later she's crying again. One parent gets frustrated; the other tries to soothe her back asleep. Another scenario is she's crying and one parent wants to immediately give her a bottle or hand her to mom to feed so she'll stop. The other wants to make sure she doesn't have a wet diaper or just wants to be held. It's hard when both are tired and this is usually where nerves are shorter, but it's getting easier.
He may think I'm knocking on him, but I'm not - since the begining of our relationship, I've learned a lot from him. But it seems this is his chance to learn a little "motherly love." He's an awesome, wonderful dad and has been such great support; I couldn't imagine going through this - or want to, obviously :) - with anyone else.
But it takes patience, honey.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Outlook on 2010
Now that the first week of the year is nearly complete, I guess it's no better time than now to pull together a few things I'd like to work on this year. I've pretty much quit doing 'resolutions' to work on, so I like to call my thoughts for the new year 'perspectives.' And since I'm getting around to this a bit late, I've had a chance to read a lot of others' goals for 2010 and some have been quite aspirational and some pretty darn interesting. Of course, I'm always interested in seeing more ideas that I could possibly be interested in, so let me know what are some you've got on your list.
In no particular order, here are some new perspectives I'd like to achieve in the beginning of this new decade (can you believe it's a new decade already!??):
- Enjoy every minute - whether good or bad - of my baby girl
- Keep the love in my marriage, as we can see it can get a bit trying with the new addition (but luckily we can never stay mad at each other for too long)
- Learn to cook more meals, outside of my usual spaghetti and enchiladas(my husband will laugh at this one)
- Make sure to give myself me-time
- Complete the New York City Marathon (I've yet to get to race it though I've 'won' the lottery 3 times and even had plane tickets in 2007 though I got horribly sick 3 days before leaving)
- Spend less (ha!)
- Don't be guilty about taking aforementioned me-time
- Learn more about photography (which would consist of me getting my longed-for digital SLR camera - ahem)
- Work on my running speed - I'd like to get my mile pace down to the 8's consistently
- Swim consistently (at least 2 times per week, every week)
- Be the best mom and wife I can be
Luckily, this list is a work in progress. I've learned - quickly - that not all goes as planned with a baby around. And for me as a Type A, super-organized, full-speed-ahead chick, this has been hard for me to adjust to. Thankfully my husband is much more laid back.
Speaking of a new decade, at the turn of the new year, we were all looking back at where we were while ringing in 2000. I was a senior in high school, kicking it at my parents' house with my best friend and boyfriend, while my brother and sister had a couple of friends over as well. At the strike of midnight, our lights went out. What?! With all the hooplah over Y2K, we got really freaked out.
Turns out my dad snuck to the garage and popped the switches. Nice one, dad.
And looking back at the decade, I have had so many experiences and have grown so much, it's pretty scary:
- Graduated from high school
- Graduated from college
- Started my first job (and stayed there for the last 6 years)
- Bought my own car
- Rented my first apartment
- Started my obsession with triathlon
- Got married
- Had a kid
Whew. It's been a great decade and a pretty positive one at that. Here's to a great 2010 and an even better decade that brings new experiences. And with Emmy and who knows if a brother or sister for her, I'm sure it will be very, very interesting. And tiring.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
7 weeks in heaven (aside from sleep deprivation)

Sunday, November 15, 2009
10.5 hours before starting the rest of my life
The last few days have been more and more uncomfortable, and I thought for sure we'd have to go to L&D last night, but I decided to wait it out and see. No need to do a false labor check-in at this point. The contractions have become increasingly painful and more frequent, but still not in a timely, consistent fashion.
I think I have vacuumed all the rooms every day for the last 3 days, mopped all the wood floors, re-cleaned the bathrooms, dusted the entire house and checked and re-checked the hospital bag. I even made four bows for Baby R, one of which she'll wear home. Bryon's done a good job as well - the cars' registrations are up-to-date, inspections passed, new tires on my car, and his car cleaned and organized for bringing home baby.
I may have mentioned this before in the past, but as a Type A person who thrives on logistics and planning and coordinating, this has been quite exhausting. Add in the random nerve pain in my right rear cheek and contractions, and it's been quite an experience.
We keep hearing "oh, get ready to never do anything again" and "your life is changing forever" -as if we'll never do what we love to do before baby ever again after baby. But we're going in this as though this is the start of our new life together and can't wait for her to join our adventures. As we keep telling ourselves, she's joining our lives, and we can't wait to share them with her!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Walking into parenthood